Trademark Registration by Foreign Applicants According to Indonesian Law
The world of global trade has grown rapidly, thus opening up opportunities for foreign businesses to expand their business to international...
Common Problems Regarding Trademark Registration in Indonesia
Developments in the industrial sector have had a significant impact on the behavior pattern of the community in developing innovations both in the...
Permasalahan Umum Terkait Pendaftaran Merek di Indonesia
Perkembang di bidang Industri telah memberikan dampak yang signifikan kepada pola prilaku masyarakat dalam pengembangan inovasi baik di bidang...
Trademark Registration After the Enactment of the Job Creation Law
The growing era and the mindset of the people have an impact on economic development, especially in the trade sector. There are millions of goods...
Pendaftaran Merk Pasca Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja
Semakin berkembangnya jaman dan pola pikir masyarakat berdampak pada perkembangan ekonomi terutama di bidang perdagangan. Â Terdapat jutaan barang...
Reasons Why Trademark Applications Get Denied
Protection of Trademark in Indonesia begins with the application to register a Trademark. An application for Trademark rights must be made in...
Kenapa Merek Ditolak Pendaftarannya?
Perlindungan Merek di Indonesia dimulai dengan permohonan Hak atas Merek. Permohonan Hak atas Merek wajib dilakukan untuk mendapatkan sertifikat...
Entering the globalization era or the digital era, it is no surprise that people are eager to be more productive and innovative. One way of...
Memasuki era globalisasi atau era digital, tidak heran jika setiap orang memiliki kemauan untuk menjadi lebih produktif dan inovatif, salah...
Requirements for Trademark Registration (at the Directorate General of Intellectual Property)
Trademark registration is an integral step for businessmen. Without Trademark Rights, a businessman cannot receive Exclusive Rights to use their...
Syarat-Syarat Pendaftaran Merek di Indonesi
Pendaftaran Merek merupakan satu langkah awal yang sangat penting bagi para pelaku usaha. Tanpa pendaftaran Hak atas Merek, pelaku usaha tidak...
The Importance of Trademarks Protection I
Nowadays the competition between businesses in the market is considerably high. Such competition is further encouraged by various product...